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Donation Plans
Be the change you want to see.
Bluebird Bronze
5$USTous les moisMost Popular Plan- Donations are used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards
- Helps change young people’s lives and create a better future
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
Bluebird Silver
10$USTous les moisLet Them Smile- Donations are used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards
- Helps change young people’s lives and create a better future
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
Bluebird Gold
20$USTous les moisLet Them Smile- Donations are used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards
- Helps change young people’s lives and create a better future
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
Bluebird Platinum
50$USTous les moisLet Them Smile- Donations are used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards
- Helps change young people’s lives and create a better future
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
Super Hero
100$USTous les moisLet Them Smile- Donations are used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards
- Helps change young people’s lives and create a better future
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
Chartered Sponsor
1 000$USTous les ansLimited to 100 Chartered Sponsors- Logo placement on Home Page (sliding when activated).
- Logo placement on Chartered Sponsor Page
- Logo's link to Chartered Sponsor's website
- Cancel anytime prior to renewal.
10 000$USTous les ansLet Them Smile- Yearly $10000 helps fund and grow Bluebird Award operations.
- Sponsorship includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
- Less fundraising labor enables more Bluebird Awards.
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
- If available, includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
Premium Sponsor
25 000$USTous les ansLet Them Smile- Yearly $25000 helps fund and grow Bluebird Award operations.
- Sponsorship includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
- Less fundraising labor enables more Bluebird Awards.
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
- If available, includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
World Class Sponsor
50 000$USTous les ansLet Them Smile- Yearly $50000 helps fund and grow Bluebird Award operations.
- Sponsorship includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
- Less fundraising labor enables more Bluebird Awards.
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
- If available, includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
100 000$USTous les moisWORLDWIDE Let Them Smile- Fosters childrens positive growth mindset worldwide
- Enables staff to expand mission's purpose worldwide
- Low fundraising costs means more Bluebird Awards worldwide
- Helps protect many vulnerable children worldwide
- This project is available for takeover by a Megadonor
- If available, includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
Memorial Award
1 000$USMemorial Gift- Bluebird Memorial Award for Covid-19 families and friends
- Donations is used EXCLUSIVELY to fund ONE Bluebird Award
- Bluebird Award given in name of deceased
Bluebird Endowment
10 000$USSponsors a $500 Annual Award- An endowment used EXCLUSIVELY to fund Bluebird Awards.
- Provides $500 per year for one Bluebird Award for ten years
- Sponsorship includes Charter Sponsor recoginition.
- Generosity will find its way back to your heart. Karma works
- If available, includes Charter Sponsor recognition.
Cancellation anytime prior to annual renewal. Sponsor Name Change and Editing included on Sponor's request.
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