Bluebird Donation Report
Follow your money
Great news! With our Bluebird Report, you can easily track your donations and see the impact they make. Our tool allows you to monitor your contributions and stay up-to-date with how your donation helps make a difference. Start using our tool today and make a positive impact on the world!
Bluebird Report
Sortable & Searchable Database History of Expenditures*
How We Invest Your Money
Having donated to charitable causes in the past, I've always wondered how the money was spent. In 2019 on another project, we donated over 800 pieces of brand-new designer clothing with tags to a charity for military veterans, their families and Gold Star Mothers. Items included everything from socks and Isotoner gloves to brand name winter coats and suede jackets. The downside? We never got to see smiling faces as Christmas gifts were selected.
To address those concerns with Bluebirds for Kids, we designed this sortable database page for tracking Bluebird Awards, so donors and sponsors can track how their donation is distributed and for what purpose. Because of security and privacy concerns, Bluebird Awards does not disclose information about children and young people. We look to publicly reporting progress here with a goal of enough transparency to assure donors their donations are well-spent.
Donors deserve to know what becomes of their donations. To that end, a $500 donor for example, can review the above record. As the record is reported and compiled, a donor can sort according to the column headers to further examine our use of funds. So, at least the donor, in many cases, has a list from which to choose to see how their donation was spent. If the Sponsor is a teacher, guidance counselor or principal, they already know how and why the money was needed and spent and how it impacted the recipient.
As Bluebird Awards becomes a go to resource in schools as a tool for dealing with potential or real mental health issues, our awards will become euphemistically referred to as "bluebirds."
Because Covid-19 continues to be an ongoing menace to society with much relevant data yet to be uncovered, especially with regard to long covid, this suggests a data gathering opportunity for evaluating impacts to our collective mental health knowledgebase.
Our expectation is all donations will be given exclusively as Bluebirds for Kids Awards.
Our goal is to fund operations from businesses and individual sponsors as well as from grants specifically targeted for staffing needs.
* Names of children and youth are not listed out of privacy concerns.

Are you ready to become involved?
Individuals have the opportunity to be a Registered Volunteer (RV) and earn redeemable Rewards points for cash or at our Company Store giving them something back for their hard work.
We are proud to offer a Searchable Database.
Most donors can track their specific donation. We invite you to explore our site to learn more about us, our mission and how to get involved in giving back.