My name is Jennifer. I am a volunteer in waiting to become Special Events Coordinator for MWSF.
My focus is to plan, organize and control all events as sources of funding for Bluebird Awards.
A graduate of Colorado State University, I was trained as a designer. My career includes planning and executing all kinds of events including weddings, conventions, trade shows, festivals, parties and other special events. Currently we are planning a charity auction for the Cleveland, Ohio area.
In the long term, I plan to engage with community groups and organizations to sponsor egg-tossing contests:
"Egg tossing is also known as a team competition with basically the following rules, although the exact details may vary. One member of a two-person team tosses an egg to another. If the egg does not break, they step apart and the toss is repeated. The contest continues until one egg is left unbroken. (A popular variation uses water balloons.)" .. per Wikipedia.
Let the games begin

Our Contest Plan
Any non-profit organization is faced with the monumental task of raising funds to support its mission and cover operating costs. Running an effective operation means staffing our organization with qualified people who are passionate about our goals and objectives.
Egg-tossing is a simple game and fun to experience with unlimited possibilities. Any family or organization can become involved by holding a MWSF sponsored event. Signing up to become a sponsored event is as simple as submitting the contact form below. Completion of this form is all you need for me to follow up via email to help you in setting up a fun and enjoyable outing.
The basic rules for becoming a MWSF sponsored event are:
1) The organization designates a responsible person as Event Manager, the person responsible for making sure the event is operated fairly within all local legal restrictions, if any. The Event Manager co-ordinates all interaction with MWSF.
2) Contest Entry Fees start at $1 on up for each team entered.
3) At the conclusion of each event, the accumulated money total in excess of costs is split two ways:
a) 50% is sent to one of two MWSF Bank Managed Trust Funds .. one for Awards and one for Operations funding as designated by the Event Manager.
b) 50% is to be used as Event Prizes. The Event Organizer is free to split the prizes as seen fit. Suggested variations can be: 1. All 50% to the Winner, split into three (3) winners .. First Place - 50% .. Second Place -- 30% .. Third Place -- 20%
c) Organizations can retain all 50% for its use.
d) Organizations can donate its 50% share to MWSF in such instance all will go toward funding Awards. In such instance, a Blluebird Award in the name of the organization will be made to a deserving recipient in name of the organization.
e) Eventually, we plan to include a database of contributors as well as adding a page honoring winning teams and participating organizations along with a calendar of events and locations.
4) The Event Manager can elect to, prior to the start, modify the rules to permit re-entries. Each eliminated team could re-enter at any time by paying the entry fee and re-entering the contest starting from the beginning line.
Want to participate? Please contact me using the form entry below.
I'm always looking for new and exciting mutually advantageous opportunities to raise funds in support of our Mission.
Contact Me